Alpha1 Personal Training



We utilize a system called MYZONE to monitor your heart rate in real time. Through the use of targeted heart rate training, our trainers and coaches can dial in your workout to help you best achieve the results that you’re looking for in the shortest amount of time possible.

Our MYZONE heart rate straps are accurate within 99.4% of an EKG, making them one of the most accurate wearable technology pieces available on the market. 

InBody 270

Body Composition Analyzer

When we say we use the latest in fitness technology to help you reach your goals – we mean it! We go beyond the general estimates of basic BMI with an analyzer that compartmentalizes the body into 5 distinct sections for greater insight. We use data gleaned to adjust your workout for optimal muscle gain, fat loss, or fitness management! Your trainer and coach will help guide you through the comprehensive printout as to what is going on inside your body and design a customized program based on your InBody results.

Weight isn’t a good indicator of health because it doesn’t differentiate fatty tissue from lean muscle. Advanced bioelectrical impedance analyzers scan arms, legs, and trunk in 15 seconds, and provide an in-depth report that tracks weight, skeletal muscle mass, percent body fat, BMI, and much more. Identify how many pounds of lean mass are in each body segment through Segmental Lean Analysis.

My Fitness Pal

Whether it’s on your own or in conjunction with one of our training/nutrition programs, take control of your goals with MyFitnessPal! Tracking food and truly understanding how your nutrition impacts your results can sometimes feel overwhelming.  Keeping a food diary helps you understand your habits and increases your likelihood of hitting your goals, and MyFitnessPal is an excellent way to do that. With over 11 million foods entered into their database, there is no app that is better equipped or more user friendly.  To track your food intake you can simply scan the barcode of the item you’re eating or manually find them in the apps database.

Nutrition is most often the hardest part of a journey to a healthier version of you. It can be confusing, overwhelming, and difficult.  A knowledgeable Personal Trainer and MyFitnessPal together can take away a lot of that anxiety and stress and give you structure for a path to success!

PNOE - Metabolic Testing

At Alpha 1 Personal Training we believe the holistic approach to wellness requires a precision assessment of body function. The PNOE Metabolic Test (either VO2 Max or RMR) provides us with detailed information about heart, lung and muscle health. At the same time, we are able to assess mitochondrial function, strength, posture and fat burning efficiency.

What is the PNOE?

The PNOE Metabolic Testing Device is an accurate mobile tool used by major sports teams, Olympic athletes and university research programs to assess oxygen usage and carbon dioxide clearance at rest and during exercise. It is so precise, that it has medical grade accuracy in metabolic testing. 

This measurement allows your Trainer, Physiologist or a doctor to determine your ability to burn carbohydrates and fat for fuel, how to exercise for fitness and weight loss, how to improve the longevity of your lungs and heart and how to become the best at your chosen sport or activity.

How do I test?

The PNOE Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) and VO2 Max (Active) Tests at Alpha 1 Personal Training are both included during the PNOE Metabolic Analysis.

Testing is extremely easy and only takes between 30 – 90 minutes – depending on which tests you would like to have completed. Here are the steps you need to follow to have your metabolism testing:

1) First, book a test here or call 952-206-8855.

2) Before your test make sure to follow these instructions:

  • Fast for 12 hours before the test
  • Avoid caffeine for 12 hours before the test
  • Avoid intense exercise greater than 1 hour for 24 hours before your test
  • Avoid smoking for 4 hours before your test

3) Arrive at Alpha 1 Personal Training 15 minutes before your test time. Relax in our waiting area. 

4) Complete your resting metabolic test with your trainer – You will be fitted with the PNOE device and asked to lie on a table quietly for 15 minutes. The device will track your oxygen intake and CO2 expired. 

5) Complete your VO2 Max test with your trainer – After your resting metabolic rate test you will be asked to choose between the stationary bike, treadmill or elliptical for your active metabolism test. After a 3-minute warm up you will be guided through a ramped exercise test. Each minute the test will become more difficult until you are too exhausted to continue your pace. 

6) Results will be calculated via the PNOE cloud and presented by your Physiologist. You will be given resting metabolic rate and VO2 Max values during this review (and how they compare to normals for your age, height and gender). 

7) An exercise plan will be developed by your Physiologist to support your health and wellness goals. You will be asked to complete 8-12 weeks of this plan before your PNOE Metabolic retest. 

8) A report will be generated by PNOE assessing your overall health. Please see below for an example graphic. This report will outline your lung, heart, mitochondrial, mechanical, breathing and fat burning health and ability. This report will include your exercise zones (for zone specific training) and a general exercise plan to help you reach your goals.

What to Expect

During the resting test there is nothing required of you. You simply allow the machine to analyze your breathing.

The active metabolism test (VO2 Max) is an exercise test. It requires a specially trained Personal Trainer or Physiologist to challenge your fitness on a bike, treadmill or elliptical over a period of 30 minutes. After a 3-minute warm up, the difficulty is increased by a set amount each minute until exhaustion. Please wear exercise gear and expect a short workout.

The test is followed by a cool down and a review of results.

Who can benefit from PNOE at Alpha 1 Personal Training?

The four pillars of functional health/self-care include sleep, stress reduction, healthy diet and exercise. At Alpha 1 Personal Training we believe in precision everything. PNOE gives us the ability to prescribe precision exercise programs. It also allows us to assess key organ function in chronic disease and shows us the reasons for plateau or difficulty losing weight in those who have struggled with their weight loss programs. We are truly treating the cause in these cases thanks to this tool.

Here are a few examples of how Alpha 1 Personal Training has used PNOE for both assessment and therapeutics:

  • Precision weight loss – building exercise plans, training for fat loss, avoiding burning, diagnosis the cause of a plateau
  • Chronic fatigue – mitochondrial health
  • Cardiovascular disease – VO2 Max, aerobic fitness, tissue oxygenation
  • Respiratory disease – ventilation exchange ratio, breathing frequency, O2 volume, VO2 max
  • Post-concussion syndrome – mitochondrial health, posture, breathing efficiency
  • Cancer therapy – metabolic efficiency, weight loss
  • Metabolic disease/Diabetes – weight loss, building an effective exercise plan for glucose control
  • High Performance Athletes – event prep, training schedules, live training