Alpha1 Personal Training


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Weight Training - Why is it Important


I’m sure you’ve heard that weight training is important, but why? It’s a big commitment and can be intimidating. In this article I’ll break down the science behind how weight training works and give you my top 10 reasons why it’s so beneficial. Let’s get started!

Weight training builds muscle and bone mass.

Weight training can help you to build muscle, which will help you to burn more calories. Weight training also helps to build bone mass, which is essential for preventing osteoporosis.

When you lift weights or do resistance exercises, your muscles are damaged in order for the body to repair them and make them stronger in the future. This process requires energy (calories) from food sources like proteins and carbohydrates as well as from stored fat stores in your body. If weight training causes your body to utilize more calories than normal during exercise time, then even on days when you’re not working out at all (because of work or school), those extra calories will still be used up due to increased metabolic processes that occur throughout the day after a workout session has ended!

Weight training increases your metabolism.

It’s true! Weight training can increase your metabolism for up to 48 hours after you exercise. This means that even when you are not working out, your body is still burning calories—especially if you are lifting heavy weights.

This may seem counterintuitive at first because weight training doesn’t burn as many calories as cardio. However, because muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue, it takes more energy to maintain an ounce of muscle than it does an ounce of fat. That means that a pound of muscle burns more calories than a pound of fat every day and throughout the day (not just during exercise). In fact, one pound of lean body mass burns roughly 50-70 calories per day at rest compared with a single pound of fat which only burns about two calories per day!

You’ll notice a change in health markers.

You’ll notice a change in health markers. You know that weight training helps you lose fat and gain muscle, but did you also know it:

Increases your resting metabolic rate? That’s the number of calories your body burns each day when you are at rest. As we age, our resting metabolic rate usually decreases, so you can see how important it is to do some weight training to help prevent this from happening.
Increases bone density? Weight-bearing exercise like running or walking strengthens bones by putting stress on them through impact forces. It stimulates osteoblasts (the cells that make new bone) to form new bone while simultaneously breaking down old bone tissue (osteoclasts). This process is called remodeling, which creates stronger bones with fewer cracks or fractures as we age.

You will become stronger.

If you want to get stronger, weight training is a great way to do it. Strength training can help you lift heavy things and push them with ease.

For example: Do you have trouble carrying your groceries up the stairs? If so, strength training might be able to help with that.

Or: Have you ever seen someone pick up a heavy object like a couch or a table? If so, they probably lifted it using their muscles (and not by magic). And if they did use their muscle strength, then weight lifting would have been part of their workout routine!

You’ll do better with everyday tasks.

You’ll do better with everyday tasks.

Lifting weights improves your overall strength and helps you move more easily. It can help you lift heavier objects, carry things, walk up stairs, run, climb and play sports. You might also find that it increases your ability to lift children or pets as well as luggage and groceries when traveling. Even if you’re not in the market for a new job or home (or maybe even if you are), lifting weights can improve your quality of life by making daily tasks easier:

You’ll have more stamina to do the things you love to do.

When you have more stamina, you will be able to do the things that you love to do. You can run faster and longer, lift heavier weights at the gym, and feel good doing it. You will gain confidence in yourself and that confidence will show through your everyday life. You’ll want to get up early in the morning because you’re so excited about what’s going on in your life. Your friends won’t necessarily notice a difference at first (unless they see how much better looking you’ve become), but eventually they’ll start asking questions about what has changed for them and why it feels like things are going better than before for all of us involved with this new lifestyle change!

You will lose weight in addition to toning up.

Weight training is an important component of any fitness program, whether you’re trying to lose weight or just tone your body.

Weight training helps you burn calories.
Weight training builds muscle.
Muscle burns more calories than fat does, so by building lean tissue (and eating the right foods), you will increase the number of calories that your body burns throughout the day simply by existing! This is called your “resting metabolic rate.” You’ll also burn more calories during exercise when you have a higher amount of lean muscle mass due to your increased strength and endurance levels.”

Think of weight training as the cherry on top of the cake of your diet and cardio program!

Weight training is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It can be fun and challenging, and it can be done at home or in the gym with free weights or machines. You’ll lose weight and tone up with weight training! Weight lifting or strength training is any exercise that uses resistance to build muscle mass, strength, power and endurance. You don’t need any fancy equipment – just your own body weight will do!


As you can see, there are many benefits to weight training. The best part about it is that you don’t have to spend hours at the gym and it’s not hard at all!

Youth Fitness - The Why


Fitness is important at any age, but it’s especially important to young people. Fitness helps them develop habits that will last into adulthood and keeps them healthy and strong as they grow up. It can also help them find teams to join, whether they want to play sports or simply hang out with friends who enjoy fitness activities.

Exercise is a key part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Exercise is a key part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It’s important for young people to participate in physical activity that helps them develop good habits and stay active for their entire lives.

Exercise can help prevent obesity by keeping your body strong and healthy, which will help with weight control. The more you move your body, the more calories you burn off each day, leading to less fat on your body overall. This is especially important because kids grow at an accelerated rate compared to adults; they need more energy so they can grow properly.

Exercise also helps improve self-esteem and confidence levels because it allows children to succeed at something that used to be difficult for them (e.g., running). By doing something difficult like running fast around the playground or climbing stairs quickly up into one house after another within a neighborhood block might sound scary but with practice over time these activities become easier until eventually there isn’t any fear associated anymore; this process builds confidence as well as strength in both mind and body.

Exercise can help young people develop good habits that will last into adulthood

While you may have been taught by your parents that exercise is good for the body, there are many benefits that exercise can provide to young people. When it comes down to the basics, exercise helps with weight loss, mental health and physical health.

Exercise can:

Help you lose weight. Exercising regularly is one of the most important things you can do if you want to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. It’s not always easy, but exercising regularly will help you burn calories and build muscle mass so your body uses more energy throughout the day.
Improve self-esteem and confidence levels. Feeling good about yourself makes it easier for others to like or respect who they’re interacting with—which is especially important in school environments where peer pressure may be strong enough on its own! Regular workouts also make us feel better about ourselves because they release endorphins which give us positive feelings like happiness or euphoria—as well as helping us sleep better at night too!”

Fitness helps with proper growth and development

Fitness is important for growth and development. When kids are physically active, they are more likely to grow taller, stronger, faster and smarter.

They also have better bone health, which helps them avoid fractures or breaks. Fitness helps their bodies work the way they should so that kids can grow at a proper rate while keeping their bones healthy.

Fitness can help young people find teams to join

In addition to the health benefits, sports can also help you meet new people. If you’re new to town or just looking for something fun to do that doesn’t involve sitting at home alone and watching Netflix, joining a team is an excellent way to meet other young people who share your interests.

Sports can also offer opportunities for learning from others as well as yourself. When you play a sport, there are things that come naturally—like how fast you run or how high you can jump—and then there are things where improvement depends on practice, like dribbling a basketball or hitting free throws. It’s important not only what skills your coach teaches but also what he does not teach: if he doesn’t tell his players about proper nutrition or hydration during practice sessions, they won’t know these important aspects of athletic performance until it’s too late. Likewise with mistakes: if coaches don’t show their players when they’ve made mistakes while playing games and practices (or even just scrimmages), then those mistakes will continue until someone notices them and points them out.

Fitness helps youth learn to be team players

Teamwork is the ability to work together to achieve a common goal, and it’s important in all aspects of life. Teamwork helps children learn to cooperate with other people, develop their social skills and make friends.

Team sports like soccer and basketball teach teamwork by requiring players to work together as part of a team. These types of team sports also teach youth how to be good leaders, as well as how to follow.

It’s never too early for children or teens who want to play on a team sport in high school or college. That way they can start practicing their leadership skills right away!

Sports teach kids the basics of being a team player

Sports teach kids the basics of being a team player. This is important because teamwork is an essential skill for success in all areas of life. Teamwork is a skill that can be learned and improved.

Sports teach kids proper sportsmanship

Sportsmanship is a learned skill and one of the most important things that kids can learn through sports. It’s about respect, fairness and integrity—and it’s not just for other people. Sportsmanlike behavior also means being a good role model to your teammates so they will follow your lead and maintain proper sportsmanship themselves.

Sportsmanship isn’t just about winning or losing. It’s about how you play the game. If you are participating in a game or sport at school or outside of school, your coach will tell you how to play it properly based on instructions from the rules committee that created the specific sport you are playing (for example, soccer). Every rule has been written with safety in mind first, including avoiding dangerous behaviors such as head-butting another player while trying hard to score points against each other during practice time; however there may be times when these rules need clarification due to unforeseen circumstances like injury or loss of equipment such as goggles protecting eyesight during playtime activities such as swimming lessons where water splashes around freely without any protective measures taken into consideration beforehand.

Sports teach kids proper technique and methods for athletic performance

Sports teach kids how to be a team player. Kids who play sports learn how important it is to work with others and accept criticism from their coaches, as well as give constructive feedback when necessary. These lessons are invaluable for anyone who wants to succeed in life.

Sports teach kids how to be a good sport even when they lose. When your child loses at an athletic competition, encourage them not only to congratulate their opponent but also to appreciate their own performance and show respect for their efforts—even if the effort didn’t pay off in victory.

Sports teach kids how to be a good sport even when they win. When your child wins an athletic competition (or even just does well), encourage him or her not only celebrate with friends and family but also acknowledge the efforts of those who lost (and perhaps offer some words of encouragement). This will help ensure that everyone feels included no matter what happens on the field of play.

Sports require enough discipline to balance sports and schoolwork

It’s important for young athletes to balance their sports with schoolwork and other activities. They also need good time-management skills so that they can stay organized and not let schoolwork interfere with their training or practice schedule.

Successful athletes are disciplined enough not to let sports take over their lives, but they still find time for other interests like family and friends, music or art classes, or community service activities.

Good planning helps in many areas of life, including sports performance. For example:

Making a daily schedule or weekly calendar (with reminders) will help you keep track of your commitments.
Getting up early means more sleep which increases energy levels during the day when it counts most—during games.

Youth fitness is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle.

Youth fitness is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle. Fitness is important for growth and development.
It helps with proper growth and development by providing the energy needed to support the body’s chemical processes, physical activity, and participation in sports or other activities that require stamina. Exercise also increases bone density and muscle strength, helping youth avoid injury when participating in sports or other activities.
Sports teach kids the basics of being a team player. When you join a team, you learn how to work together with others toward a common goal—winning games is better than winning alone.

The message we want to send is that fitness and wellness are important for young people. And when it comes down to it, the best way to make sure your kids stay healthy is by being an example yourself. You might not be able to keep up with them in the gym or on the field, but there are still plenty of ways you can help them learn about staying fit at any age.

Lets Talk Diet


If you’re looking to get in shape or just eat better, this guide is for you. Whether you want to cut down on junk food or simply be more mindful of what goes into your body, knowing how to count your macros can help. Let’s get started!

What makes a “healthy diet”?

A healthy diet is one that is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, and high in fruits, vegetables, grains and fiber. It’s also important to make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals from your food.

A healthy diet can help you:

Maintain a normal weight.
Reduce your risk of heart disease.
Lower blood pressure.

What are macros?

The macros are the nutrients that our body needs in large quantities: protein, carbs, fats. Macros are measured in grams and can be found on food labels or nutrition facts tables (the latter of which you should familiarize yourself with).

Protein is made up of amino acids that your body uses to build and repair tissue like muscle and skin. You need at least 0.8 grams per kilogram of weight per day — so if you weigh 150 pounds, aim for 113 grams. This is especially important for women who want to lose weight because it helps preserve lean muscle mass while shedding fat!

Carbohydrates provide energy for your muscles to work properly—a little goes a long way! For example: If you have three cups of cooked pasta as part of a balanced meal containing meat/fish/eggs/dairy products, then those carbs will deliver glucose straight into your bloodstream where it will be used immediately by brain cells during their daily activities like thinking about what song they’ll listen next before falling asleep tonight…

Track your macros to help reach your goals!

One of the most important things you can do is track your macros. Macros are the building blocks of your body! Protein, carbs and fat are all essential to building muscle, losing fat and maintaining a healthy body.

If you’re trying to lose weight, then you might want to track your protein intake (in grams) and make sure that it’s greater than or equal to 0.8 grams per pound of lean mass (if you don’t know what “lean mass” means please stop reading this section now). If you’re trying to gain weight and gain muscle mass, then try tracking your carbohydrates in grams as well so that they stay above 20% of total calories consumed each day (again, if this seems confusing, stop reading this section now). Finally, if you just want to maintain a healthy weight then aim for getting 50% or more from healthy fats like olive oil or fish oil capsules from GNC/Bodybuilding Pharmacy stores .

How do I calculate my macros?

When it comes to calculating your macros, there are a few different ways you can do it. You can use a calorie counting app or an online macro calculator like this one: [insert link to calculator]

If you want the most accurate results possible, I recommend taking your weight measurements and recording them into the calculator every day for about a week before beginning your diet. This will help provide more detailed information about how many calories your body needs daily and give you even more accurate results when determining how much food to eat based on what fits within those parameters.

Why count macros?

The basics of a diet are pretty simple. You eat less calories than your body burns. That’s it! But what you eat and how many calories each food has can make or break your success in the gym, and therefore, your overall health.

Macros are the building blocks of life, literally! They’re nutrients that our bodies need to grow muscles, maintain proper brain function, stay healthy—and they come from food sources like meat, vegetables and grains (more often than not processed).

Most people who try to lose weight end up feeling hungry all day because they aren’t eating enough protein or fat to keep them full for longer periods of time. For example: If you’re an average person who weighs 160 pounds and plans on losing 10 pounds over 3 months by simply cutting out 500 calories per day—you’ll likely be very hungry throughout that entire period which will make dieting more difficult than it needs to be–and if after those 3 months were up; if nothing changed with regards to exercise habits then chances are high that those lost 10 pounds would return within a matter of weeks since there were no changes made during this time frame either!

Are there any cons to counting macros?

Counting macros can be time-consuming.
It can be frustrating if you don’t get the results you want.
You might have to buy food that isn’t in your budget. Some popular diets require eating things like grass-fed beef and organic vegetables, which are more expensive than their conventional counterparts.
Tracking macros while eating out is difficult because it’s hard to know exactly what’s in your food unless you prepare it yourself—and even then, restaurants often cook foods with oils or butter instead of olive oil or coconut oil! As a result, a salad might have more fat than an actual hamburger…and nobody wants that kind of confusion!
Keeping track of macros takes planning if you want to stay on track with your goals; otherwise all those calories and nutrients add up quickly without any real oversight from yourself (or anyone else).

What does cutting and bulking mean?

Cutting and bulking are terms that get thrown around a lot in the fitness world. If you’re unfamiliar with them, don’t worry! This section will break down what these terms mean, why they’re important to know, and how they can help you reach your fitness goals.

Let’s start with cutting. Cutting is when someone aims to lose weight by reducing their total calorie intake over a short period of time. A typical cut lasts anywhere between two weeks and three months depending on how much weight needs to be lost (for example: if you have 50lbs to lose, then it may take longer than if you have 30lbs). You’ll notice that we said “total” calorie intake—that means the amount of calories from both your diet foods AND exercise should be considered when coming up with a plan for cutting.

When cutting becomes too difficult or frustrating (and it probably will), there’s another option: bulking! Bulking is when someone aims to gain muscle mass by increasing their total calorie intake over a long period of time; this usually lasts about six months or more depending on how much muscle needs building up (for example: if you’re already pretty muscular but want some more size). When bulking takes place alongside increased physical activity levels – like lifting weights regularly – then this can also help increase fat loss since more fat stored = more calories burned = more weight loss!

Why would I want to bulk or cut?

Understanding what a bulk is, and why you would want to do one, is pretty easy to understand. Bulking is when you are trying to gain weight, while cutting is when you are trying to lose fat. They both have different goals in mind and thus require different strategies for success.

Bulking can be done with any goal in mind: adding muscle mass or just gaining weight (which may entail more muscle and less fat). The goal of bulking is simple: eat more calories than your body burns each day so that it has no choice but to use those excess calories as energy instead of storing them away as fat on your body. This means eating a lot!

How do I eat correctly and still enjoy my favorite foods?

There are two main reasons why you should eat the foods you love:

You want to enjoy your life, and that’s the best way to do it!
It’s healthier for your body than depriving yourself of those foods.

The trick is to make sure that you eat a balanced diet along with your favorite foods. This means eating a good mix of protein, carbohydrates, fat and fiber; getting enough vitamins and minerals; limiting salt intake; staying away from processed or sugary junk food (including soda); not skipping meals or going too long without eating; tracking calories consumed vs burned each day using an app like MyFitnessPal or Lose It!.

What are some examples of healthy foods?

A healthy diet should make up the bulk of your caloric intake. Here are some examples of healthy foods that you can enjoy:

Lean meats like chicken breast, fish, lean beef and pork
Fruits and vegetables (fresh or frozen)
Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice and whole wheat breads
Healthy fats from avocados and nuts as well as low-fat dairy products

If you’re trying to lose weight or gain muscle mass, protein powder can help supplement your existing diet with extra protein. Protein powders come in many flavors so there’s definitely something for everyone! Some popular options include whey protein isolate or casein isolate; both are derived from milk but contain different types of protein


Hopefully, you’re starting to see the benefits of counting macros and tracking your nutrition. This is a great way to make sure that you’re eating healthy and hitting your goals! But remember: it doesn’t have to be all about numbers. At the end of the day, just eat what feels good for you—and if that means eating more than one cookie at a time, then do it up!

Rosemount & Lakeville Area Fitness


Get ready to sweat! Fitness trends don’t come and go, but the ways in which we can work out do. Here’s an overview of what’s hot (and not) right now in Rosemount & Lakeville.

Minnesota summers

Minnesota summers are great for running and biking. They’re also a great time to take up swimming and weight training. The Minnesota summer is the perfect opportunity to get outside, exercise, eat healthy foods and stay fit!

If you haven’t tried it yet, we encourage you to try something new this summer before it’s too late—or even better yet: try something new every day of the week!

You’ll be surprised at how much fun being active in the outdoors can be! You don’t have to go on long runs or ride your bike for hours on end either; just pick up some weights from home and spend half an hour lifting them off your chest once or twice a day.


Running is a great way to stay fit. It’s easy to do and has many benefits, including:

It’s a low-impact exercise that won’t damage your joints the way running does.
It can be done anywhere, so you can take it with you on vacation!
Running is an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise, which means it helps you keep your heart healthy by getting oxygen flowing through your blood vessels more quickly than it would otherwise.

Outdoor activities

Kayaking and canoeing
Camping and picnicking
Swimming, including water aerobics for seniors or those with special needs.
Rollerblading, tennis, soccer and other sports are also popular among residents here in Rosemount!

Swimming and water aerobics

Swimming is considered a low-impact exercise, which means it can be done by people of all fitness levels. It’s also a great way for seniors and those with joint pain to stay active. Water aerobics classes are offered year-round and provide an environment that is easier on the joints than land-based workouts.

Hitting the gym

One of the most popular ways to get fit is by hitting the gym. If you’re new to working out, you might feel intimidated by all the equipment and machines, but there are many exercises that don’t require anything more than your own body weight.

Here are some common exercises and equipment used in gyms:

Lift weights (free weights vs machines)
Use machines (varying amounts of weight resistance)
Use free weights (various weighted objects, such as dumbbells)
Use a fitness ball (aka stability ball) for core strength training and balance work
Use an exercise ball or chair as your desk chair at work or home office
Stretch with elastic band resistance bands which can be purchased inexpensively online through Amazon or other online retailers
Jump rope using this method will help keep your heart rate up while increasing blood circulation throughout the body while burning lots of calories! Plus it’s fun!

This list only scratches surface what’s available at local health clubs in town so do some research before signing up for anything too expensive if possible because there may be other options available locally depending on what amenities are offered at each location.”

Low weight, high repetition workouts

If you’re looking for a different way to work out, low weight, high repetition workouts are a great way to build muscle and burn fat. They can be done at home or at the gym, but they’re especially effective when starting from scratch with no equipment. These types of exercises are also a good way to get a full body workout that doesn’t leave you feeling exhausted after just one session.

The fitness trends that are popular right now include running, outdoor activities, swimming and water aerobics, hitting the gym and low weight, high repetition workouts.

Running is a great low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It’s also helpful for those who are trying to lose weight or improve their overall health and fitness.
Outdoor activities are fun and healthy, as they offer an opportunity to get some fresh air while also getting exercise.
Swimming and water aerobics are great for keeping fit, especially if you don’t have access to a gym membership or prefer not to work out indoors all the time. These types of exercises will help you build muscle strength in your upper body, core and lower body so that you’ll be able to do more things around the house without feeling exhausted from all the lifting needed to move furniture around!
Hitting up the gym is another option for getting fit—and this one may just be better suited than driving yourself crazy with repetitive tasks around your home because gyms provide equipment such as treadmills that allow individuals who aren’t looking forward towards swimming anytime soon (or maybe ever).


We hope you now know the current fitness trends in Rosemount & Lakeville, MN. If you’re looking to get in shape and stay healthy this summer, make sure to check out one of these popular fitness trends!

Vegan or Vegetarian - What's the difference?


Whether you want to go vegetarian or vegan, we can all agree that these diets are a great way to eat healthier and save the environment. But what exactly is the difference between being a vegetarian and being a vegan? Let’s take a look:

Vegetarians don’t eat meat or fish, but they may eat eggs and dairy.

Vegetarians don’t eat meat or fish, but they may eat eggs and dairy.

To be a vegetarian, you must avoid all animal products including meat, poultry, seafood (such as fish), eggs, honey and any other animal-based food product.


Some vegetarians choose to include dairy or eggs in their diet because of the nutritional value of these foods. For example: Vitamin B12 is only found in animal products so some vegetarians will take B12 supplements to make up for what they’re missing out on by giving up meat and dairy products altogether! Vegans avoid all animal products including honey which is why it’s important for them to get enough vitamin D from other sources such as sunlight exposure or fortified foods like fortified cereals.)

Vegans don’t eat any animal products, including all eggs, dairy, honey and certain meats like gelatin, which is often found in sweets.

Vegans don’t eat any animal products, including all eggs, dairy, honey and certain meats like gelatin (which is often found in sweets). Vegans also avoid anything that involves the exploitation of animals. For example, vegans won’t buy clothes made from leather because it involves killing an animal for its skin.

In addition to avoiding animal products in their diets and clothing choices, vegans also avoid anything that has been tested on animals. For example, they won’t buy cosmetics that have been tested on rabbits but they’ll use personal care products that come from companies whose ingredients haven’t been tested on animals as long as there are no alternative options available at their local store.

Many vegans also avoid anything that involves the exploitation of animals, such as animal-tested cosmetics or even leather goods.

Veganism is a lifestyle choice that involves people making the conscious decision to avoid all animal products, including food and clothing. Vegans are often also vegetarian, but not all vegetarians are vegan.

Vegetarians exclude meat from their diets whereas vegans take it further by avoiding dairy products too. A lot of vegans will avoid honey as well because bees are often killed during the harvesting process.

Many vegans also avoid anything that involves the exploitation of animals, such as animal-tested cosmetics or even leather goods. However, if you don’t know how something was made then always check with its manufacturer before purchasing it!

Many vegans stick to a diet that’s 100 percent plant-based — and that means more fruits, vegetables and whole grains to power their workouts.

Many vegans stick to a diet that’s 100 percent plant-based — and that means more fruits, vegetables and whole grains to power their workouts. “A vegan diet is going to be higher in carbs,” says McCall, who has spent years researching nutrition from an athletic standpoint. “You’ll have a lot more energy from eating foods like potatoes, sweet potatoes and beans.”

He suggests adding quinoa to your salads or eating it on its own as a side dish for dinner. The grain is packed with protein and fiber; one cup contains 8 grams of protein (that’s about 20 percent of the daily value for guys) and 5 grams of fiber (it’s 14 percent DV for women). Legumes (including lentils and chickpeas) are another great source of protein — they’re also high in iron, which helps deliver oxygen throughout the body during exercise. According to Michelle Babbitt, RDN at California Hospital Medical Center in Los Angeles: “If you’re doing endurance training or something super intense like CrossFit where you’re working out longer than 45 minutes at a time, then legumes are definitely something I would recommend.”

There are several reasons people go vegetarian or vegan — it can be due to ethical reasons about the treatment of animals, for the environment or for personal health reasons.

There are several reasons people go vegetarian or vegan — it can be due to ethical reasons about the treatment of animals, for the environment or for personal health reasons.

Ethical – You may be worried about the way animals are treated in factory farms. Nobody wants to see how chickens live, how pigs are raised on feedlots and cattle slaughtered without being stunned first.

Vegetarians don’t eat meat or fish but may eat egg and dairy. Vegans don’t eat any animal products.

A vegetarian diet is one that doesn’t include meat, fish or poultry. People who follow this diet may be called vegetarians. This includes:

vegans, who don’t eat any animal products including dairy and eggs
lacto-vegetarians, who eat dairy products but not eggs
ovo-vegetarians, who do not eat meat but do include eggs in their diets

A vegan diet is a lifestyle that abstains from animal products of any kind; including meat, fish and poultry to also include dairy and egg products. Vegans generally avoid using leather goods as well as wool garments as well as any other product derived from animals such as honey or beeswax candles.


Whether you’re a vegetarian or vegan, there are plenty of ways to get your protein and iron. But if your goal is to be healthy, then it’s best to eat a wide variety of foods from all the food groups including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.

Why Work With A Trainer?


If you’re reading this, then I’m going to assume that you have a goal in mind. Maybe it’s to lose some weight or gain more muscle. Maybe it’s both. Whatever your goal, there are many reasons why working with a professional trainer is the best way to reach it. Here are just a few of those reasons:

You have a plan.

Having a plan is the key to success. A trainer will help you create a plan you can stick to, that works for your lifestyle and schedule.

You’ll keep working out when it gets tough.

You’ll keep working out when it gets tough.

As you work with a trainer, he or she will help you push through any plateaus or frustrations that come with reaching fitness goals. When it comes to weight loss, many people find that they start to feel discouraged after the first few pounds drop off. But having someone there who is invested in your success makes all the difference. A trainer will encourage you to keep going and do more than just a few crunches on the floor of your living room — which is always better than nothing!

There are many reasons to hire a personal trainer, and they may be different than you think!

You’re here because you want to get in shape and feel better. You’ve probably tried a million different things, from dieting to boot camps to CrossFit, but none of them worked out the way you wanted them too. There are many reasons why a personal trainer can make all the difference in your training regimen:

Personal trainers are more effective than generic training programs: Some people think they don’t need help when it comes to getting fit, but their goals aren’t specific enough for their needs – nor do they have enough knowledge about how their bodies work to achieve those goals independently. A personal trainer will take into account your current fitness level and goals before developing an appropriate plan that works around your lifestyle and schedule. They’ll also be able-bodied experts who know how best use each exercise so that it gets results without wasting time or energy on inefficient techniques. At home, without expert guidance on form or progression speed/intensity/responsiveness based off previous sessions’ performance data (i.e., not just following along blindly), it’s easy for people like us who know little about exercise science end up doing things wrong which could put ourselves at risk by not building muscle efficiently enough (weaker), causing injury due lack of balance/control during certain moves (sprained ankle), etcetera.” -“I’m not an athlete” isn’t an excuse anymore!

A trainer can customize a plan just for you.

A personal trainer can customize a plan just for you. A personal trainer with experience in training others has the knowledge and experience necessary to create an effective workout plan that is specific to your needs and goals, whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or simply be more active. It’s no secret that having a plan is essential for success in any fitness endeavor—and that’s where a personal trainer comes into play.
Trainers keep you motivated with their positive energy and encouragement.
Trainers help set realistic goals so your workouts stay fun!
When the going gets tough (which it inevitably will), trainers are there to help keep things moving forward by providing motivation and encouragement when things get tough or boring.

Nutrition is a critical part of your progress.

Nutrition is a critical part of your progress. You need to eat right in order to lose weight, build muscle, stay healthy and feel good. You also need to eat right in order to live longer and be happy. It’s easy to see how nutrition plays such an important role in our lives!

Mobile apps don’t work.

Mobile apps are great, but they’re not a substitute for a personal trainer. A mobile app simply can’t give you the kind of customized support and guidance that an experienced fitness professional can.

Here are some reasons why:

Mobile apps don’t adapt to your progress. If you’ve been using a fitness app for awhile, how does it know how far you’ve come? Most apps don’t track progress over time, so if the goal is to lose weight, the program will start out with too many reps and gradually increase them as the weeks go by. But if the goal really is just to maintain or improve strength without losing muscle mass (which is useful for older people), then maybe this approach won’t work so well after all! And if someone wants to gain size instead of lose fat—well then they’ll probably need a different game plan altogether.
Mobile apps don’t help with nutrition advice (unless it’s built into them). Your trainer knows which foods work best for your goals; he or she can also help prevent any slip-ups when shopping in person at Whole Foods or ordering takeout on Seamless while recommending healthier options than usual because “you’re training now!” This kind of guidance will be much harder to replicate on demand via an app experience that lacks personalized attention altogether.

No one likes generic training programs.

You’re probably pretty busy, so why would you want a trainer? Well, if you’re looking for a specific result and don’t have time or inclination to go through generic programs that don’t take into account your unique body type and lifestyle, then working with a trainer can be extremely beneficial.

They’ll be able to create a program specifically designed for your body type and goals; one that may not work as well for someone else. In the short term, this will help get you results faster—and in the long term, it’ll help keep those results coming. That’s because when something doesn’t work for us (even if it’s our fault), we are less likely to continue doing it as consistently as we should be. So having an expert there by your side who knows what they’re doing will help ensure that all of their hard work doesn’t go down the drain because of an oversight on their part!

Mobile apps aren’t adaptable and cause you to reach a plateau.

Before we dive in, let’s talk about the mobile app. It’s a great tool for tracking and sharing progress but it lacks the ability to adjust your workout based on your needs. In other words, no matter how good your phone app is at tracking your progress and showing you what workouts you should do next (and trust us, there are many!), it can’t provide a customized plan that works specifically with the way you move through life.

For example: if someone asks you how much weight you want to lift on a given day, would you say “I don’t know”? Or would it be more like this — “I’m feeling pretty heavy today so maybe something around 30 pounds?” Well guess what? Your trainer will know exactly how much weight a person of your particular height/weight should be lifting in order to get maximum gains while also keeping their joints safe! They’ll also take into account whether or not any injuries have been sustained since last session as well as general health issues such as sore throats or colds that might make certain movements uncomfortable for now but could improve overall strength later on down the road if properly addressed now.”


You don’t need to be a next-level athlete to benefit from hiring a personal trainer. In fact, many people just want to get back into shape and feel better about themselves. But whatever your goals are, it’s important that you have someone who can help you achieve them—and keep you motivated along the way!

Metabolic Rate & Why It Matters


Your metabolism is a complex process that involves the conversion of food into energy. It’s affected by many factors, including genetics, lifestyle habits, and gender. If you’re looking for ways to increase your metabolism, here are some simple things you can do:

Metabolism refers to the body’s rate of burn, or how many calories it utilizes to maintain proper functioning throughout the day.

Metabolism refers to the body’s rate of burn, or how many calories it utilizes to maintain proper functioning throughout the day. The more active you are and the higher your energy levels, the greater your metabolic rate will be.

The body uses calories to maintain proper functioning of all its systems. For example, metabolism is what makes it possible for us to walk around without collapsing into a heap on our feet from exhaustion; it also helps us breathe, think clearly and digest our food so we can live long enough to have babies or play Pokemon Go at night. In other words: metabolic rates are required for life itself!

Metabolism isn’t just about burning up excess fat; it’s also used for maintaining normal body temperature and weight because all those processes require energy (calories) too!

Most experts agree that genetics account for 40-70% of your metabolic rate.

For most people, genetics account for 40-70% of your metabolic rate. The rest is determined by lifestyle, which can impact what you eat and how much you exercise.

Your genetics don’t have to be an obstacle to losing weight or getting healthier—in fact, they can actually be an advantage! If you know your family members are naturally slim and active and you have a low resting metabolic rate (RMR), then it’s likely that there’s a good chance the same will happen to you. This can help motivate you and make it easier for you to maintain a healthy lifestyle because it will seem like less work than having to try so hard to fight against who your genes say that you should be!

Muscle mass is a key determinant in metabolism.

Muscle mass is a key determinant in metabolism. It’s more metabolically active than fat, and burns more calories than any other tissue in your body. This means that the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be, even when you’re at rest!

This is why it’s so important to build lean muscle mass when trying to lose weight. Muscle is denser than fat and takes up less area on our bodies—so if we replace some of our body fat with lean muscle mass, not only will we look better (and people will notice), but we’ll also end up burning more calories even when sitting still!

What is muscle mass you ask?

Muscle mass is the amount of muscle in your body. Muscle is good for many reasons: it burns more calories than fat, so you’re more likely to maintain a healthy weight; it helps prevent age-related muscle loss; and it even makes you look better. But did you know that muscle mass also has an impact on your metabolism?

When you lose weight, whether through diet or exercise, there’s a certain amount of fat that leaves your body because the calories stored there are used up by your body. But what happens when this process stops? If your calorie intake decreases while maintaining or slightly increasing physical activity levels (i.e., “dieting”), then eventually all those stored fats will go away—along with some lean tissue too! This could lead to adverse changes within the body due to insufficient protein intake as well as decreased muscle mass (which means less caloric burn). Metabolic rate drops off rapidly after losing 10% of starting weight due primarily to reduced lean tissue (muscle) content rather than fat stores themselves:

Weight loss can slow down your metabolism.

In order to maintain a healthy weight, you need to keep your metabolism in check. As a result of the excess fat around your body, your metabolic rate slows down and you start gaining weight. The more you weigh, the harder it is for your body to reach its ideal weight range. In fact, studies have shown that excess weight can lead to chronic inflammation—a harmful immune response in the body which increases insulin resistance—and insulin resistance can lead back across the cycle again: more inflammation leads to more insulin resistance which furthers slows down your metabolism and results in yet another round of weight gain.

This process repeats itself until one day when you realize that all those hard-earned pounds are back on! This happens because after losing weight through dieting or exercise programs such as CrossFit (which we’ll be discussing later), there is still some damage left over from previous struggles with losing pounds; this damage causes hormones related with appetite control (leptin) levels drop off dramatically when compared against normal levels found among people who don’t struggle with obesity issues like us mere mortals do!

Meditation, breathing exercises, and posture all affect your respiratory system.

It’s no surprise that meditation, breathing exercises, and posture all affect your respiratory system. But did you know that those things can help you lose weight? They can! We’ll cover how in a bit.

First: What does it mean to have a “good” posture? It means maintaining an erect back with shoulders pulled back, head looking straight forward, and chest open (like Superman). This will allow for easier breathing by allowing more space for the lungs to expand. If you slouch over or have poor posture at work or at home (like me), then this can make you feel tired after standing up for too long because of restricted breathing pathways. Posture is also important when it comes to fitness—it helps keep muscles strong and healthy so they don’t get injured during exercise routines like running intervals on the track field at school!

Second: How does good posture affect weight loss? It gives your body more energy by allowing more oxygen into the bloodstream while keeping blood pressure low as well as reducing stress hormones such as cortisol which could increase appetite leading someone down towards depression eating disorders anxiety panic attacks anger management issues drug abuse alcohol addiction etc etc etc

Cardio exercise helps you lose weight but also builds muscle and increases metabolism.

Cardio exercise, such as walking or running, is great for your cardiovascular health and can help you lose weight. But if you want to build muscle and increase your metabolic rate, strength training is where it’s at!
Cardio exercise is important for your lungs, but strength training is where you really affect your metabolic rate.

Cardio exercise is good for your lungs, but strength training is where you really affect your metabolic rate.

Cardio exercise helps you lose weight and build muscle, but it’s not the only way to increase your metabolic rate. Strength training is where you really affect your metabolic rate.

Metabolism is a system of chemical reactions that constantly occurs in our bodies and helps keep us alive. It’s what allows us to eat food and use the calories from that food for energy, growth and repair of cells throughout our body. The amount of energy we expend every day—our metabolism—is influenced by many things: age, gender, height/weight ratio (BMI), genetics, physical activity level (how much we move around every day) and diet composition. There are lots of factors at play when it comes to how fast or slow your metabolism will run; however, there are ways you can speed up or slow down its activity depending on what types of foods you eat regularly!

Sleep is crucial to cellular regeneration and overall recovery, making it necessary for optimum metabolism.

Sleep is crucial to cellular regeneration and overall recovery, making it necessary for optimum metabolism.
Sleep is necessary for good health.
Sleep is necessary for good mental health.
Sleep is necessary for good physical health.
Sleep is necessary for good physical performance.
Sleep is necessary for good mental performance

Your metabolic rate may be a genetic factor that you can’t change, but it doesn’t have to be the deciding factor in your weight loss goals!

It’s true, your metabolic rate may be a genetic factor that you can’t change. But it doesn’t have to be the deciding factor in your weight loss goals!

Metabolism is a complex process that is affected by many factors, including your genes and lifestyle choices such as exercise and sleep. Genetics play an important role in determining how many calories we need to maintain our weight and body composition, but this doesn’t mean they should hold us back from making healthy choices when it comes to diet and exercise. In fact, there are plenty of things you can do right now to boost your metabolism so you burn more calories each day without having to wait for the results of genetic testing or other medical procedures.


So, you’ve got some good news and bad news. The bad news is that it’s probably not just about willpower when it comes to weight loss. The good news is that if your metabolism isn’t up to par, there are still things you can do to improve it! Like we discussed earlier in this post (and throughout our entire blog), exercise is key—whether you choose cardio or resistance training will depend on your personal preferences and fitness goals. Additionally, keeping track of how much sleep you get each night could help boost your metabolism while helping reduce stress levels as well. Finally, meditation or breathing exercises can help reduce anxiety while also boosting relaxation throughout the day

Mental Health and Fitness


No matter what you’ve been through, you have the power to lead a healthy and happy life. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and both are essential if you want to live fully. Whether your life has been rough or easy so far, it’s time for you to focus on yourself and take care of your mind and body.

What is Mental Health?

Mental health is the state of being mentally sound, especially free from mental illness or trauma. It’s the ability to think clearly and rationally, cope with stress and life challenges, recognize and manage emotions and relationships, make plans for the future, control impulses and live a full life. Mental health is not just the absence of mental illness; it’s an attribute we can all work toward in order to improve our overall well-being.

Effects of mental health on physical health.

Depression, anxiety and stress are all linked to weight gain. Studies show that people with depression are more likely to be overweight or obese than those without the condition. Some of this is due to poor diet choices in an effort to self-medicate, but it can also be attributed to the fact that certain antidepressants cause weight gain. Stress has also been shown to increase your appetite and cravings for sweet foods—which may explain why you’re craving ice cream every time you get worked up!

On the other hand, sometimes a little extra padding can help protect you from injury or illness during times of stress—your body can use those extra calories as fuel when needed. For instance: if you’re worried about losing your job because of layoffs at work (or worse), having something on top might make it easier for someone else who needs support standing up after being knocked down by a falling table leg during what CNN calls “The Great Recession.”

How Does Stress Affect Your Mental and Physical Health?

Stress can affect your mental and physical health in many ways. Stress can negatively impact your relationships, finances, sleep patterns and energy levels. Additionally, it can cause weight gain or loss as well as mood swings.

Here are some of the ways stress affects your body:

High levels of cortisol in the blood cause weight gain around the stomach (also known as central obesity). This is known as visceral fat, which doctors say is more dangerous than regular belly fat because it’s associated with serious health risks like diabetes and heart disease.
Cortisol also increases appetite—you might reach for cookies or chips when you’re stressed out at work because cortisol triggers hunger pangs! And if those snacks add up to too many calories over time…well then you’ve got yourself a recipe for weight gain!
Cortisol raises blood sugar levels by breaking down muscle tissue into glucose (blood sugar), which results in decreased sensitivity to insulin—a hormone that controls how much glucose enters our cells where it’s used for energy production or storage (as fat). If those processes become impaired due to high levels of cortisol then diabetes could be one outcome.

How Does Mental Health Affect Relationships?

Mental health is a factor in relationships. It may seem that your mental health is unrelated to your relationships, but it actually affects the way you relate to others, yourself, your environment and even your body. For example:

If you have low self-esteem or feel like a failure because of past mistakes or bad choices made in life then it will affect how you deal with other people. Your self-image can have an impact on both romantic and platonic relationships as well as friendships because of the way people treat others who they perceive as being inferior or incompetent;
People who suffer from anxiety disorders often avoid social engagements that could otherwise be fun or beneficial to them by having panic attacks when they’re put into uncomfortable situations;
People who are depressed may experience feelings of anger towards others because they cannot control their emotional state which results in resentment towards those around them;

When someone has issues with their mental health then these issues affect how they interact with other people and therefore also impacts on their relationships

What are the Benefits of Exercise in Your Life?

Exercise is good for your body.
Exercise is good for your mind.
Exercise is good for your spirit.
Exercise is good for your mental health.
Exercise is good for your physical health.
Exercise is good for your relationships.
Exercise is good for your finances (and it’s free).

Why is it Important to Take Time for Yourself?

Taking time to do things you enjoy is an important part of being happy. It is also a great way to relax, which can help maintain physical and mental health. When you take time for yourself, you can:

Relax and unwind
Feel happier
Be more productive at work or in school

How Do I Stay Healthy When I Feel Depressed?

Exercise is a great way to stay healthy and feel better when you’re feeling depressed. Exercising can:

help you sleep better, which will also make you feel better
make you feel better about yourself and your body, which can help improve your mood
give you a sense of control over your life, which is important for recovering from depression

What Does an Exercise Routine Look Like for a Beginner?

If you’re new to exercise, it’s important to start slowly and work up to a more intense workout. This will help prevent injury and keep you motivated over the long term.

When beginning an exercise routine, aim for 10-15 minutes of walking or light jogging daily. Gradually increase your activity over time (in 5-minute increments) until you’re working out at least 30 minutes per day most days of the week. If physical activity isn’t possible due to physical limitations or other circumstances, consider asking your doctor about strength training options that can be done in the comfort of your own home. And remember: if you ever feel too tired or overwhelmed by these suggestions, take a break! It won’t do anyone any good if they injure themselves because they pushed themselves too hard before their body was ready for it.”


Whether you’re looking for a way to improve your mental health or just want to be healthier, exercise is an excellent option. It has so many benefits and can be done in so many ways. You don’t have to join a gym or buy expensive equipment like yoga mats or running shoes if that’s not your thing—just get moving!